Saturday, December 08, 2007


I have been using the PDFCreator for long time. It helps converting any documents to a PDF file with ease. But this creates just plain PDF with no links or bookmarks (document map as in Microsoft Word). I disparately needed to include the bookmarks in one of the huge document ( >1000 pages) and I came across Word to PDF pluggin for Word, called as PDF-T-Maker

It converts the word document into an intermediate format, containing the bookmarks, comments, links and routes to the PS converter.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Disabling zip folder integration in Windows XP

After I got my new laptop which had new XP installation , I found that the Windows Explorer being slow to update at times, especially expanding the folder in the tree view. Figured it out that the built in zip support was slowing things up, I decided to disable the feature. To disable, simply unregister the component:
regsvr32 /u %windir%\system32\zipfldr.dll

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Widescreen hassles

The new format of the computer monitors and laptops are definitely good for watching movies, but not at all for regular web browsing. The increase in real estate can be better utilized by having two documents opened side by side and could improve some productivity. But the web pages in wide screen mode is annoying. I was searching for a tool which limits the browser window to be maximized only to 1024 pixels wide. Fooled around with msdn and thought that SetWindowPlacement would do the trick, but I was mistaken. Apparently it doesn't work with the explorer shell and the documentation doesn't say so. i found that there is another way that is handled by the individual applications. Each application can specify its maximized size. The message to handle is WM_GETMINMAXINFO. I would need to install a message hook to get into the application and handle for each of them. Still not clear whether its worth the try.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Shares

I was back to my WIN32 programming days after a break. Reason being that I wanted to have an easy way of inserting a link to a local shared folder into the email message. For long I've been using a signature which contains only the NETBIOS machine name (these corporate machine names are long and difficult to remember) and would insert it and then complete the path by typing in the folder name. Wish I had a tray applet that would show the list of shared folders and allow me to copy the path to clipboard. Couldn't resist waiting more and after 2 hours of meddling around with MSDN help a tiny WTL app was up and running.
It was not very hard, but finding the right API's was a bit challenging. And then I was stuck at some conversion functions.
Here's are the main functions that I chose:
NetShareEnum - Gives the list of shared resources on a given machine
wcstombs - To convert wide str to mcbs (NetShareEnum returns wide str)
OpenClipboard, EmptyClipboard, SetClipboardData, CloseClipboard- For clipboard operations
GetAsyncKeyState - Status of shift key

Monday, January 01, 2007

Removing labels from VSS

If you had accidentally created a label for any items (file of directory), you can remove it by viewing the label from the item history, and deleting the label text. Close the dialog after confirmation and the label is removed. The changes would be affected globally irrespective of the item for which the label was modified.